Specialty Classes
Good Dog - Obedience 1 graduation certificate or other beginning obedience or approval of instructor.
What the class covers:
The skills you will learn in this class will help you and your dog learn and perform basic tricks.
Points covered are: shake, take a bow, high five, roll over, crawl, and much more.
What to bring to class:
Musical Freestyle
club membership;
Good Dog - Obedience 1 and 2 graduation certificates.
What the class covers:
This class will help you learn the fundamentals of the sport of Musical Freestyle. At the end of class you will perform a 30-45 second routine with your dog.
Training behaviors (moves), how to combine moves, and how to select music for your routine.
What to bring to class:
Good Dog - Obedience 1 and 2 graduation certificates; dogs ages 10 months and up.
What the class covers:
The skills in this class will teach your dog basic skills needed for the fun game of Flyball Flyball is a relay race for dogs.
Ball motivation, hurdles, and ball retrieval from the flyball box. All levels of skill will practice together
The skills in this class will build speed and teamwork This class will help you and your dog prepare for competition. NOTE: The hour (5:30-6:30 PM) before each class is open for Flyball Practice
Speed building, release timing, passing other dogs, competition preparation
What to bring to class:
club membership;
dogs ages nine months and up; Good Dog - Obedience 1 graduation certificate or other beginning obedience.
What the class covers:
Treibball (pronouced "try-ball") is something all breeds of dogs can do, and excel at The balls have been referred to as "rolling sheep" in recognition that this sport stems from a development for herding dogs without access to regular sheep
It was so much fun, it evolved into a sport on its own Treibball skills include exceptional communication and cooperation as the dog is directed and herds eight balls to a "soccer goal" Some call this sport doggie billiards!
This is a 6 week introductory "test" class for those who may be interested in pursuing Treibball as a sportThis sport has provided improved handling skills and cooperation with your canine partner for other sports as well
Equipment, treats, and dog handling will be all discussed, demonstrated, and practiced on opening class day.
Game rules, building skills at exercise ball herding, making goals and time limits
What to bring to class: